Read Our Top 10 Family Law and Bankruptcy Blogs for 2022

Published On: January 25, 2023Categories: Bankruptcy

Rockland County Bankruptcy and Family Law Attorney

Here at Law Offices of Robert S. Lewis, P.C., we represent clients in multiple types of cases involving divorce, child custody, child support, bankruptcy, and more. In addition to providing legal help to people in these situations, we also work to inform people about legal issues that may affect them by regularly publishing blogs on topics related to our practice areas. We wanted to highlight the blogs that were read the most by visitors to our website in 2022:

  1. Dissipation and Hidden Assets in a New York Divorce – During a divorce, the property division process can become more complicated if a spouse attempts to hide marital assets or if a person has wasted or destroyed marital property. We look at how these issues may affect a divorce case and the steps spouses can take to protect their financial interests.

  2. What Expenses Are Covered by Child Support in New York? – While child support is usually ordered in divorce or child custody cases involving children, parents will need to understand what this support is meant to be used for and when additional expenses may need to be addressed.

  3. Factors Judges Consider in New York Child Custody Cases – When parents encounter disputes over how they will divide custody and parenting time, they will need to understand how the law addresses these situations. This blog looks at the issues that may be considered when determining how to resolve child custody disputes.

  4. How Could the COVID-19 Vaccine Affect Child Custody Cases? – While vaccines have helped protect people’s health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, some people have chosen not to have themselves or their children vaccinated. We look at how these issues could potentially affect disputes between parents in divorce and family law cases.

  5. Can Filing for Bankruptcy Stop an Eviction? – People who are encountering financial difficulties may worry that they could be forced out of their homes. However, they may be able to receive some protections by filing for bankruptcy, and by eliminating some or all of their debts during this process, they may be able to maintain financial stability in the future and avoid an eviction.

  6. How Will My New York Bankruptcy Affect Future Rental Applications? – While bankruptcy can provide financial relief, it can have some consequences that could affect a person’s life in the future. This blog discusses the options that may be available for people who have filed for bankruptcy and who are looking for new housing arrangements.

  7. What Happens When Individuals Are Suspected of Bankruptcy Fraud? – A person may be accused of bankruptcy fraud if they abuse the bankruptcy process, such as by concealing assets or making large purchases with no intent of paying. We look at the potential consequences a person may face if they are accused of violating the law in this manner.

  8. How Can Chapter 5 Bankruptcy Help Small Businesses During COVID-19? – Small businesses that were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic may have struggled to stay afloat. This blog looks at a type of bankruptcy that may help business owners address their financial issues and determine how they can continue operating successfully.

  9. How Does Filing for Bankruptcy Affect Child Support Obligations? – While bankruptcy can provide relief from some debts, it is important to understand how domestic support obligations will be affected. We look at what a person will need to consider when filing for bankruptcy while they have ongoing child support obligations or unpaid child support that is owed.

  10. How Is Spousal Support Calculated in New York Divorce Cases? – We examine the method that is used to determine how much one spouse may be required to pay to the other if spousal support is awarded during the divorce process.

Contact Our Rockland County Bankruptcy and Family Law Attorney

In 2023, our firm will continue to provide high-quality legal services to our clients, and we will be publishing more blogs addressing issues that may affect people who are involved in divorce, child custody, and bankruptcy cases. If you have questions about any of these topics, or if you want to learn more about how we can assist with your legal issues, please contact our Hudson Valley divorce and bankruptcy lawyer at 845-358-7100. We offer free consultations.